Mana's Beautiful World is Forever

Mana's Beautiful World is Forever

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Manmaru Ikebukuro Unagi Deuxième Visit

Just having a little fun with the French there. One of the things I was really looking forward to this trip was returning to Manmaru Ikebukuro Unagi. Which was a perfect way to wrap up my third day in Tokyo. 

Like my first visit there, I asked for whatever sake they recommended. The selected sake was this limited summer slightly effervescent sake. I'm not very good with handwritten stylized kanji, so I don't know the brand.

Cute little colorful yokai on the label. 

I love the part where they pour the sake into the glass and it overflows into the saucer. I really need a cup and saucer set like this. 

This was a great choice for this hot day. 

After sipping on my sake for a little time, my dinner arrived. 

Steaming smoky unagi don with miso soup and tsukemono pickles. One of the challenges in this place is it is a little smoky from the grills in the kitchen. So I still don't have a clear photo of the unagi. Guess I need to go back and try again? 

Something to add a little more to the dish, sansho pepper. 

Yes I did and I don't know if I don't put enough but it really doesn't taste hot to me. It smells good, so I like using it. As for the unagi, it was just as good as the first time I ate it. 

I decided to try something different. Since I wasn't driving and I didn't have far to walk. 

When in Japan...thought I would try a chilled glass of umeshu. 

This glass of sweetness was just right. I don't usually drink like this but I felt a little bit like enjoying my time there. 

Outside on the streets of Ikebukuro the sun was setting. 

I decided to walk a little as the night took over. 

It's always fun to find little spots like this amid the lighted signs and concrete. Maybe a place to check out next time? Ikebukuro does have interesting places to eat at.

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