Mana's Beautiful World is Forever

Mana's Beautiful World is Forever

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Around Gokoku-ji

Just a few more photos of buildings and such around Gokoku-ji.

There is a variety of shrines and other buildings on the grounds of the temple. Some are newer dating from early 1900's, and some are much older, having survived Tokyo's fires and WWII bombings.

This is 薬師堂, Yakushi-do, another healing Buddha shrine. The bell shaped windows and other features are notable. The shrine was moved to this location in 1691, so it was one of the first buildings to become a part of Gokoku-ji.

I spent a little time here, along with this temple cat.

The cat was friendly. I took that as a good sign. Maybe the healing Buddha would keep me safe from the virus? Or at least a non-stressful trip home.

Speaking of trips, there are Jizo for that. And there are Jizo for other things. This one is Hitokoto Jizou. 

Actually this Jizo is a little unusual. Not just for travelers, but for people who desire something. The information I found was conflicting as to whether you can only pray for one thing, or only say one word when you pray to this Jizo. Either way, care is needed in deciding what you want to pray for.

I am not sure where this gate leads. But the wood work is impressive.

A temizuya for water purification.

Another Jizo. This is the Migawari Jizo, who is a protector of anyone who is suffering from being abused. Migawari Jizo will take your place in the conflict.

More sakura and a lovely white torii and toro.

I am not sure what shrine this is for. It is possible this leads to graves. Because there is a cemetery here also. And some rather important people are interred here. Prime ministers, Emperor Meiji concubines, and one of their sons, Prince Mikasa.

Because I spent a lot of time looking at buildings and more at Gokoku-ji, I did not spend time at 豊島岡墓地, Toshimagaoka Cemetery. This path is one of many that lead there. 

And this path leads to my last post about Gokoku-ji. And Mt Fuji. Sort of.

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