Mana's Beautiful World is Forever

Mana's Beautiful World is Forever

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Au Revoir

It was time to say goodbye to Balloon-kun. Actually, I untied the balloon and deflated it so I could take it as a souvenir.

I had a little time so I went out for a walk. I hadn't visited MOS Burger this trip so I stopped in. Time for tea.

This time I tried their veggie patty burger. Not bad.

But the real reason I stopped in was the onion rings. Oishii~!

Outside the weather did what it always does on my last day. Look beautiful.

I had time for more caffeine at my hotel. Free dark roast blend coffee anyone?

I didn't take photos on the train ride to Narita because I've done that before. I wasn't hungry so I just bought a few small things to eat at the 7-11 there. I should have bought more since the flight ran out of all selections for meals except one, long before they reached the back of the plane. And it was something that was really unappetizing to me. So I was left eating a hard roll and cheese, which I also didn't really want. If I ever fly Delta again, I'm bringing something more filling and edible. The panda cookies were good. The little pouch is something a friend gave me a while back, and I keep things in there for the flight, like a pen, ear plugs and lip balm. It's really helpful.

One last photo, of the carpet at Narita Airport. Since I have ones from the other side of the ocean. It's just a green textured carpet. I wonder if the design is to look like tatami mats?

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